Performed at The Raven Lounge in Philadelphia, PA.  September 9-17, 2011. Presented as part of the Philadelphia Live Arts & Fringe Fest.

Three one-acts featuring one man and one woman: Sex with a Mathematician, Dog People and Fan Fiction.

Written by Pete Barry and J. Michael DeAngelis
Starring Kate Davis as HER, J. Michael DeAngelis as HIM and Page Hoke as THE OTHER WOMAN.

Directed by J. Michael DeAngelis
Graphic Design by Amelia Williams
Costume Design by J. Michael DeAngelis & Kate Davis
Original Music by Pete Barry

The Pieces

Sex with a Mathematician
by Pete Barry

Kate Davis as SARAH
J. Michael DeAngelis as NIKOLAI
Page Hoke as WAITRESS

Dog People
by Pete Barry

J. Michael DeAngelis as BENEDICT
Kate Davis as GINNY

Fan Fiction
by J. Michael DeAngelis

Kate Davis as MAX
Page Hoke as THE WOMAN
J. Michael DeAngelis as RUSSELL

Production photos by Michael E. Reali and Jose Maria Bejarano


Amateur theatrical rights to X/Y are available directly through The Porch Room, both as an entire evening or as individual one acts:

  • Sex with a Mathematician

  • Dog People

  • Fan Fiction

Professional theatrical rights inquires should be made through IPEX Artists.


"Signs from God" to have first New York production!


The Porch Room Returns to the Philly Fringe with "X/Y"