NYTheatre.com RAVES About "Infinite Lives"

"I can only wish that every visit to the theatre illuminated, entertained and moved me the way this play did."The first reviews are coming in for ANTONY & CLEOPATRA: INFINITE LIVES" and we're thrilled to say that NYTheatre.com has given us a rave review!Rightly praising the performances of the entire cast and the evocative costume design of Olivia Rutigliano, the production got a big "thumbs up" from reviewer Jane Titus.You can read her entire review here, as well as NY Theater's interviews with our cast and crew.  ANTONY  & CLEOPATRA: INFINITE LIVES continues this weekend at the Lynn Redgrave Theater.  Tickets available here.


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DeAngelis & Barry Talk to Sam French about "Infinite Lives"