New York Casting Announced for "Infinite Lives"

We are pleased to announce the casting for our upcoming production of ANTONY & CLEOPATRA: INFINITE LIVES at the New York International Fringe Festival!Returning to their roles from the original Philadelphia cast are Devin Plantamura as Kitt Marsh and Dustin Karrat as Gamal. Samantha Apfel, also from the original cast, moves into the role of Cleopatra/Katharine. They will be joined by Thom Boyer as Elmegreen, Tara Cioletti as Olivia, Kyle Smith as Marc Antony/Dan, Chelsea Lando as Enobarbus/Amelia and Nazli Sarpkaya as Nassima.The complete cast is as follows:

Kitt MarshDevin Plantamura
Nassima El-KahirNazli Sarpkaya
Gamal El-KahirDustin Karrat
Dr. Lawrence ElmegreenThom Boyer
OliviaTara Cioletti
Cleopatra / KatharineSamantha Apfel
Marc Antony / DanKyle Smith
Enobarbus / AmeliaChelsea Lando
Charmain / RebeccaCatherine Cela
Iras / SamJackie Sherman
Octavius / BarryBrandon Smalls
LepidusDavid Mazzucchi
Dollabella / FaroukNick Imperato
Soothsayer / ScarusThanh Ta
Octavia / CanidiusKelsey Bramson
 Porch Room co-founder John Dowgin directs the production by Pete Barry & J. Michael DeAngelis, who also produce. As in the original Philadelphia production, Olivia Rutigliano and Rebecca Kotcher provide the costume design and original music, respectively.
DirectorJohn P. Dowgin
Writers, ProducersJ. Michael DeAngelis & Pete Barry
Fringe Company RepresentativeJustis Bolding
Stage ManagerJen Ash
Costume DesignOlivia Rutigliano
Original MusicRebecca Kotcher
Graphic DesignKate Davis & J. Michael DeAngelis


Show dates announced for "Infinite Lives" in NYC!


Auditions for "Infinite Lives" @ FringeNYC!