"Infinite Lives" to Have NYC Debut as Part of FringeNYC!

We are thrilled to announce that Antony & Cleopatra: Infinite Lives will have an all new production this summer as part of the New York International Fringe Festival!Written by Pete Barry & J. Michael DeAngelis from the original play by William Shakespeare, Infinite Lives had its world premiere at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology in September of 2012 as part of the Philly Fringe & Live Arts Festival. It was co-produced by The Underground Shakespeare Company.The new production features a freshly revised script by the authors. It will be directed by John P. Dowgin and will again feature original music by Rebecca Kotcher. Casting and further production details will be announced on this site shortly.

The Porch Room previously appeared in the New York Fringe with the well reviewed Burt Reynolds’ Amazing Napalm-Powered Oven (And Other Paid Programming).


Auditions for "Infinite Lives" @ FringeNYC!


"Accidents Happen" ebooks now available!